

Mackerel and edamame peperoncino



スパゲッティー 160g

湯1L に対し 塩 小さじ1

鯖の缶詰 1缶分

枝豆 鞘付き 60g

にんにく 1片

一味唐辛子 適量

バジル 2枝

オリーブ油 大さじ3




Spaghetti 160g

1 tsp salt for 1 liter of hot water

1 can of mackerel

Edamame with pods 60g

1 garlic clove

2 branches of basil

 3 tbsp olive oil













[How to make]


① Boil hot water in a pan and boil edamame for about 6 minutes.

② Finely chop the garlic and finely chop 1 branch of basil.

③ When edamame is boiled, remove it from the pod.

④ Boil hot water in a pan, add salt, and boil pasta in minus 2 minutes of the indicated time.

⑤ Heat the frying pan over medium heat, add the mackerel and loosen and add the garlic from ② and mix.

Add olive oil and chili pepper (or finely chopped pepper) and fry.

⑥Add the spaghetti from ④ to ⑤ to mix, add edamame, turn off the heat, and add basil from ② to finish.

⑦ Serve on a plate and decorate with the left basil leaves.