Prune black tea smoothie
<プルーンの紅茶煮> こちらは少量ですので多く作りたい方はそれぞれ倍量で作ってください。
プルーン 130g
水 200cc
紅茶ティーパック 2P
黒糖 大さじ5
スムージー 2人分
豆乳 100cc
冷凍バナナ 1本分
氷 100g
プルーンの紅茶煮 6個
煮汁 大さじ3〜4(お好みで調節)
シナモン 適量
<Prunes of black tea>
This is a small amount, so if you want to make more, please make double each.
Prunes 130g
Water 200cc
Tea tea pack 2P
5 tablespoons brown sugar
<Smoothie> for two
Soy milk 100cc
1 frozen banana
Ice 100g
6 prunes of black tea
Boiled soup 3-4 tablespoons (adjust as you like)
Cinnamon suitable amount
① Put prune and water in a pan and put on a fire. When it boils, add tea pack and brown sugar and simmer for about 5 minutes.
After turning off the heat, leave it as it is for a while. When the rough heat is removed, remove the tea pack and put the prune and broth in a boiled closed container for storage.
② Put the smoothie ingredients in a mixer and turn until the ice is crushed and smooth.
③ Pour ②into a glass and put in a bowl of prune tea boiled (not included).